Stay Informed

Upcoming Events

8:00 pm BCA Membership Meeting @ St. George's Episcopal Church
BCA Membership Meeting @ St. George's Episcopal Church
Mar 17 @ 8:00 pm
Join us for the regular monthly meeting of the Bloomingdale Civic Association.
7:00 pm BCA Membership Meeting @ St. George's Episcopal Church
BCA Membership Meeting @ St. George's Episcopal Church
Apr 21 @ 7:00 pm
Join us for the regular monthly meeting of the Bloomingdale Civic Association.
7:00 pm BCA Membership Meeting @ St. George's Episcopal Church
BCA Membership Meeting @ St. George's Episcopal Church
May 19 @ 7:00 pm
Join us for the regular monthly meeting of the Bloomingdale Civic Association.

Get Involved

The Bloomingdale Civic Association is always looking for neighbors to take an active role in our activities. 

Click here for more information on:


Like the Bloomingdale Civic Association on Facebook!


Follow the Bloomingdale Civic Association: @BloomingdaleCA
You might also want to follow these other twitter at:

Be sure to hashtag your posts using the neighborhood tag: #BloomingdaleDC


If you post a video to YouTube, be sure to tag it with “bloomingdaledc”. That way, community members will easily find all of your postings.


Local residents host a Flickr photo pool. It is focused on sharing the architectural beauty and community spirit of our historic neighborhood in Washington, DC through pictures.

Bloomingdale Neighborhood Blogs

Follow daily events affecting the neighborhood at the Bloomingdale Neighborhood Blog.

Community Listservs:

Subscribe to the Community Listserv – It’s easy– simply send an email to Scott Roberts along with your current address indicating that you would like to subscribe to the Bloomingdale listserv. Keep in mind, Scott is just one man so actual inclusion in the listserv may take some time as he works through the backlog of requests.

Subscribe to the official Metropolitan Police Department 3rd District (3D) police listserv

MPD has now moved to Google Groups. MPD 3rd District Google Group is here:!forum/official-mpd-3d

Contact: Jacqueline Beathea, (202) 671-6604

Here’s the MPD page with all the districts:

Neighboring Hoods & Blogs

LeDroit Park – LeDetroit Park Civic Association

Bates – Bates Area Civic Association

Brookland Brookland Civic Association | The Brookland Bridge Blog

EckingtonEckington Civic Association

Citywide – Popville

North Capitol Main Street, Inc.