Monday, September 21, 2015
Bloomingdale Civic Association meeting
St. George’s Episcopal Church, 160 U Street NW
7:00 pm

BCA board members present: Teri Janine Quinn, Robert Brannum, Derrick Jones, Austin Pearl, Sherry Howard, Angela Prentice, Bertha Holliday, Scott Roberts

Public Safety (MPD 5D Update) – Fifth District, PSA 501
PSA 501 Lt. Meijia provided a crime report. Violence has increased citywide and 5D. PSA 501 has had a few issues with kids with fights after school. There were questions about the Pope’s visit to DC later this week. Concerns about loitering around North Capitol Street and Florida Avenue. The lieutenant reported that the junk that accumulates at the Joe Mamo lot is being hauled off.

Community Updates/Information
DC Water/First Street Tunnel – the plan regarding tree replacement will be discussed at the next DC Water First Street Tunnel Forum meeting in October.

Bloomingdale/LeDroit Heritage Trail – Maybelle Taylor Bennett of HU provided info on the Saturday, 10/17/2015 – the same day as the Bloomingdale House Tour. Rain date for the heritage trail kickoff event is Sunday, 10/18/2015. She detailed a long list of activities lined up. She solicited financial support from the BCA. Checks can be made to Cultural Tourism DC. This is the 17th heritage trail in DC. Ms. Quinn advised that the LeDroit Park Civic Association will contribute up to $500 for the heritage trail event. Robert Brannum made a motion to provide up to $500. Motion carried.

Howard University Homecoming Celebration – 91st HU Homecoming runs from Saturday, 09/26/2015, through xxxx. The list of homecoming events were listed. Friday, 10/01/2015, will be the YardFest & concert. Sat, 10/03/2015, HU parade route will not include LeDroit Park this year.

Voting Items
64 W Street Zoning Variance
The date for the 64 W Street NW zoning special exception hearing is not close enough that might demand a vote this evening. Representatives of a law firm and the property owner Mohammed Pishviya (sp.?) introduced themselves. The BZA application was distributed (it is also available online). The request is for a special exception to convert 64 W Street NW into three dwelling units. As a result of the recently passed 14-11 pop-up zoning regulations, a special exception is now required. This will not be a pop-up.

A nearby neighbor distributed a letter containing a long list of concerns. She indicated that the submitted plans are insufficient and incomplete.

The attorney admitted that the plans did not include dimensions; the updated plans have been submitted BZA.

Robert Brannum asked if the plans have been shared with the nearby neighbors. Mr. Pishviya said that he has met with the next door neighbor who asked for the rear pop-up walls to be brick rather than siding – and that the inspections be performed by DCRA inspectors rather than 3rd-party inspections. The property owner has agreed with these two requests. The next-door neighbor indicated that he would like to see scaling numbers.

The attorney then presented an alternative plan that has two matter-of-right dwelling units that would go back 35 feet to the 60% R-4 lot occupancy.

Robert Brannum suggested postponing a potential vote until the October BCA 2015 meeting. The motion passed.

Executive Board Vacancy (Recording Secretary)
Ms. Quinn advised that the position for BCA Recording Secretary was open. It was decided to table it until the next meeting.

Heritage Trail Launch Event (Donation Request)
Ms. Bennett advised that the LeDroit Park Civic Association voted to provide financial support for the 10/17/2015 Heritage Trail Launch. Ms. Quinn offered to match, but not exceed, the amount ultimately provided by the LeDroit Park Civic Association. The motion carried.

BCA Administrative Matters

Constitution/Revisions to Bylaws
Ms. Quinn advised that 60 day’s notice is required for BCA bylaws changes. This will be added to the October 2015 meeting.

She clarified that the BCA voted last year at the June or July 2014 BCA meeting to change the BCA election cycle from one year to two years. The topic had been discussed at the May 2014 BCA meeting. Robert Brannum mentioned that the DC Federation of Civic Association recently migrated from one year terms to two-year terms.

Financial Report
Ms. Howard read the current financial report. A motion carried to receive the Treasurer’s Report.

House Tour Committee
Ms. Howard reported that the House Tour funds are primarily used for the BCA Scholarship Fund. Zach Sherif advised that Bloomingdale interior designer Tynesia Hand-Smith will be providing two workshops. Mr. Sherif said that he would be providing a workshop on interior lighting. He also said that Molly Scott would be holding an urban landscape workshop.

Historic Preservation Committee
BCA Historic Preservation Committee Chair Serita Saunders was not present. However, an informal report from the first, robustly attended community meeting on neighborhood historic district designation was provided. Attendees expressed some concerns over displacement, economic challenges and “how much freedom would homeowners retain to do what they wanted in a historic district.” It was noted that the overall feedback from the first meeting was generally supportive. The date of the second BCA neighborhood historic district designation meeting has not yet been set.

Ms. Quinn mentioned that a second group in the neighborhood pursuing historic district designation has formed. Ms. Quinn said that she hopes that the BCA HD Committee can pool resources with the second group.

DC Federation of Civic Associations
Mr. Brannum reported that the next DCFCA meeting is this Thursday, 09/24/2015. It might be rescheduled, due to this week’s papal visit. He mentioned the upcoming DCFCA awards banquet.

Recognition Committee
Teri Janine asked for volunteers to plan an event that raises money for charity. Zach Sherif volunteered to chair this adhoc community.

Community Representatives
Executive Office of the Mayor.
Ms. Quinn reported that Alleupalooza #1 included two Bloomingdale alleys get replaced. Alleypalooza #2 includes a Quincy Place NW alley. Tommie Jones, Ward 5 MOCRS, explained how Alleypalooza works. He distributed the mayor’s 6-month progress report. He asked meeting attendees to sign the pledge to end homelessness in DC. He provided his Email address —

Ward 5 and At-Large Council Representative
Shawn Hilgendorf of Ward 5 CM McDuffie’s office provided updates on a flurry of issues, such as public safety proposals. CPR legislation, supplemental budget for $23 million. Mini-grants for reducing crime.

Bloomingdale Village Center
Zach Sherif provided an update. The oral histories portion is progressing. The grant money from the DC Humanities Council is being used for a videographer, etc. Horatio advised that he interviewed former Bloomingdale resident Chita Rivera up in New York.

Motion to adjourn at 8:45 pm.