BCA Committees

Upcoming Events

8:00 pm BCA Membership Meeting @ St. George's Episcopal Church
BCA Membership Meeting @ St. George's Episcopal Church
Mar 17 @ 8:00 pm
Join us for the regular monthly meeting of the Bloomingdale Civic Association.
7:00 pm BCA Membership Meeting @ St. George's Episcopal Church
BCA Membership Meeting @ St. George's Episcopal Church
Apr 21 @ 7:00 pm
Join us for the regular monthly meeting of the Bloomingdale Civic Association.
7:00 pm BCA Membership Meeting @ St. George's Episcopal Church
BCA Membership Meeting @ St. George's Episcopal Church
May 19 @ 7:00 pm
Join us for the regular monthly meeting of the Bloomingdale Civic Association.

Get Involved

The Bloomingdale Civic Association is always looking for neighbors to take an active role in our activities. 

We need volunteers! If you have a few hours to spare per month, contact us to be part of a Civic Association committee.

Historic Preservation / Bloomingdale Historic District

Mission: To promote historic preservation in the Bloomingdale Historic District – the built environment, social and cultural history, and encourage quality design through advocacy and outreach. 


  • Facilitate the discovery, documentation, and protection of Bloomingdale history. o History-related activities (especially social history) will be done in collaboration with the BVS 
  • Work with the DC Historic Preservation Office (HPO) to promote the DC Historic Preservation Homeowner Grants Program (and any other grant programs available). 
  • Promote the Bloomingdale Historic District and encourage use of the HPO Bloomingdale Design Guidelines. 
  • Develop a continuous community education program on HP (e.g., what it is, how does it work, what are the rules & regulations, etc.) geared toward newcomers to the neighborhood 
  • Routinely provide updates of changes or modifications in HPO rules, regulations, and programs using various means of outreach (e.g., public forums, website, etc.) 
  • Serve as BCA’s primary liaison with OP and other HP organizations 
  • Should Bloomingdale qualify for the HP Homeowner Grants Program, provide technical assistance to eligible homeowners with the application process, as needed 
  • Lead BCA’s advocacy for HP (based on membership vote), specific HPRB applications, and increased funding for HP Homeowner Grants Program. 

Mission: To recruit new members from myriad ethnic, social, economic and cultural experiences from the Bloomingdale Community on a consistent basis

  • Encourage member participation in the Association’s activities and events; 
  • (Periodically) Monitor and assess membership needs are met and; 
  • Be consistent in its recommendations of services, initiatives, and activities that address the dynamic needs of the membership. 

Goal 1: Improve and Sustain Member Retention 

Objective 1: Communicate the benefits with current members 

Activity 1: Develop schedule to promote membership benefits through various channels 

Activity 2: Member experiences/reflections to community value 

Activity 3: Recognition for service 

Goal 2: Increase (new) membership by 50 percent in the current year (2019) 

Objective 1: Revamp Membership Categories to increase Numbers/Participation/Revenue – pricing plans 

Objective 2: Redesign membership print materials for distribution to new members, potential members, and others 

Goal 3: Increase affiliate membership (e.g., local businesses) 

Objective 1: Redesign membership print materials for distribution to new members, potential members, and others 

Goal 4: Increase member participation in activities, events, and/or collaboration with the BCA 

Objective 1: Member engagement activities 

Activity: Contests 

Activity: Competitions 

Activity: Plant day (in conjunction with the Beautification committee) 

(Note, the objectives outlined here are suggestive and should not be considered final. The final goals and objectives of the Membership Committee will be decided once the Committee has formed and a Chair selected and presented to the body)


Mission: Improve the quality of the NW DC neighborhood of Bloomingdale’s physical streetscape through beautification and cleanup projects. 


  • To raise awareness among residents and businesses interested in the beautification of the neighborhood, adding aesthetic value to the community. 
  • To provide incentives for residents, businesses, and city departments and agencies to promote participation in the upkeep and beautification of the neighborhood. 

Role of the Committee Chair: 

  • Lead Committee activities and represent the Committee before the board, the Bloomingdale community at large, and with BCA affiliated partners on beautification related matters. 
  • Serve as the primary liaison between the Committee, the BCA, and BCA affiliated partners (e.g., DC government and local businesses supporting the BCA’s beautification efforts). 
  • Oversee the Committee’s effort to support the BCA Executive Board’s activities related to beautification and cleanup projects. 

Role of Committee Members: 

  • Dedicated volunteers that care about the environment and the health and beauty of the neighborhood. 


  • Lead beautification projects and upkeep throughout the neighborhood 
  • Coordinate the annual Bloomingdale Beautification Day. 
  • Promote seasonal decoration contests and awards. 
  • Provide recommendations and advice to various DC departments and agencies on neighborhood issues. 
  • Seek collaborative opportunities to work across all BCA committees, as necessary, and other community groups in an advisory role.
Bloomingdale House Tour

Mission: To promote the Bloomingdale residential and business community by showcasing its beautiful, historic, and modern characteristics. The house tour is the BCA’s primary funding source for the BCA Scholarship Fund. 

Role of the Committee Chair: 

  • Identify community members to serve on the committee 
  • Reports on proposed activities timelines and cost of the Tour to the Executive Board and the BCA membership. 

Role of Committee Members (to align with event planning actions for the House Tour): 

  • Coordinate all elements of the biennial House Tour 
  • Lead coordination efforts across all BCA committees, as necessary, to host the House Tour 
  • Identify and foster community / citywide linkages to support the promotion Bloomingdale. 

Mission: To publicize and solicit scholarship applications from Dunbar Senior High School, McKinley Technology High School, and throughout Bloomingdale. 

Criteria: The Committee will select scholarship awardee(s) who must be: 

  1. a graduating high school senior from either Dunbar or McKinley Tech HS, or 
  2. a graduating high school senior residing in Bloomingdale and, 
  3. enrolling in an accredited college or university. 

Scholarship recipients may also be currently enrolled college student(s) in good academic standing who reside in Bloomingdale. 

Role of the Committee Chair: 

  • Reports committee updates to the BCA Executive Board and before the BCA membership. 
  • Reviews applications to ensure the criteria are met. 
  • Responsible for implementing any needed program changes or improvement that may have been identified by the Scholarship Committee. 

Role of Committee Members: 

  • Develop and administer scholarship criteria, in coordination with and approval by the BCA Executive Board. 
  • Establish and adhere to a fair and unbiased selection process. 
  • Notify all applicants of scholarship award results. 
  • Invite scholarship recipients to attend a BCA meeting for presentation of award. 
  • Committee members cannot be related to applicants, or must recuse themselves from any Committee discussion or vote on the application of a relative. 
  • Solicit annual updates from scholarship recipients for BCA awareness. 
Bloomingdale Village Square Project

Mission: To promote Bloomingdale as a stable, diverse (e.g., age, race/ethnicity/country of origin, sexual orientation, socio-economic status), and inclusive neighborhood through use of history, architecture and design, and civic engagement. 


  • Strengthen the Bloomingdale neighborhood’s community identity and shared history; 
  • Strengthen Bloomingdale’s sense of place, including the historical and unique character, and the exceptional contributions of its residents; 
  • Promote neighborhood diversity, inclusion and civic engagement; 
  • Promote neighborhood responses to gentrification that strengthen neighbor relations and the creation of intentionally inclusive neighborhood spaces and activities. 

Activities in support of committee goals include: 

  • Support and/or conduct of oral histories of neighborhood residents; 
  • Provide periodic updates of a scholarly, written history of the Bloomingdale neighborhood; 
  • Assess and implement needed improvements to Bloomingdale’s public spaces; 
  • Conduct/lead informational and educational forums related to BVS goals for Bloomingdale residents and others; 
  • Document and disseminate BVS efforts and outcomes through use of social media, web-based platforms, and other forms of conventional advertising and media. 
  • Grantsmanship in support of BVS activities. 

BCA’s Bloomingdale Village Square (BVS) Project was established in 2015 in response to neighborhood change, development, and gentrification.

Public Safety/Emergency Preparedness

Mission: To foster and build public safety, disaster mitigation and emergency preparedness awareness and capabilities among Bloomingdale community, e.g., associations, residents, religious institutions and businesses in partnership with District and federal government agencies and local volunteer service organizations to protect the Bloomingdale community related to public safety, natural disasters and other environmental and security/terrorism issues to ensure a resilient community. 

Vision Statement: 

To become a centralized community based public safety/emergency preparedness organization in the Bloomingdale community. 


Mission: Lead fundraising efforts in support of all BCA committee initiatives and activities, which serve to promote and enhance the Bloomingdale neighborhood. 

Role of the Committee Chair: 

  • Presents reports on proposed fundraising activities at executive board and association meetings. 

Role of Committee Members: 

  • Focuses on the organization’s overall fundraising and grant writing efforts. 


  • Create a fundraising Plan of Action (POA) for the 2-year term. 
  • Work with other BCA committees in their efforts to raise funds in support of their committee activities.
Nominating Committee

Mission: To present a slate for Officers and Delegates at the October meeting

Fun and Fit Committee

With an inclusive spirit, the Bloomingdale Fun and Fit Committee connects the city’s resources and Bloomingdale residents’ interests to make Bloomingdale the most fun, fit, and friendly neighborhood in Washington, D.C.

The Committee partners with local businesses, coaches, and instructors to plan a healthy living event each month that brings together neighbors from all backgrounds to have fun and get to know each other.

Other BCA Standing Committees
  • Amenities 
  • Community Relations 
  • Education 
  • Finance 
  • Housing 
  • Recreation 
  • Transportation 
  • Youth Programs