Beautification Day

Upcoming Events

7:00 pm BCA Membership Meeting @ St. George's Episcopal Church
BCA Membership Meeting @ St. George's Episcopal Church
Jan 20 @ 7:00 pm
Join us for the regular monthly meeting of the Bloomingdale Civic Association.
7:00 pm BCA Membership Meeting @ St. George's Episcopal Church
BCA Membership Meeting @ St. George's Episcopal Church
Feb 17 @ 7:00 pm
Join us for the regular monthly meeting of the Bloomingdale Civic Association.
8:00 pm BCA Membership Meeting @ St. George's Episcopal Church
BCA Membership Meeting @ St. George's Episcopal Church
Mar 17 @ 8:00 pm
Join us for the regular monthly meeting of the Bloomingdale Civic Association.

Get Involved

The Bloomingdale Civic Association is always looking for neighbors to take an active role in our activities. 

Bloomingdale Beautification Day


The Annual Bloomingdale Beautification Day is the day we encourage neighbors to do a “spring spruce” to their homes and common tree boxes. The Bloomingdale Civic Association provides a variety of materials, including flowers, to help neighborhood residents.


Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the April 2020 Beautification Day event may be rescheduled to sometime in the Autumn.  Stay tuned!